Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today has gone well for Phil and Mom. Phil is still in ICU being weaned off the steroids. Maybe he'll get to go out to the floor tomorrow or Monday. PT came in to work with him today, unfortunately he's lost everything he learned to do while at STMC rehab. He is unable to walk once again. His speech is still improving, but gets twisted and he now is getting very frustrated again. But that ok, just means he's more alert of whats going on. He also is ready to go home, not sure yet what will happen as far as that goes. Mom went home today to spend the day reorganizing and cleaning the house since the workers are just about finished. She'll sleep in her own bed tonight with her kitties and Minnie !!! Phil's brother, Roy, is staying with Phil today and tonight. Mom will go back in the morning. Today was good ! ! Christy

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