Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We're certainly having a better week than last week. We've decided the radiation treatments caused swelling in Phil's brain which caused him to be much weaker and less responsive. This week has been better, he's even saying a few words. He's enjoying the boys and can even cut up with them a little occasionally. Those moments are a treasure. We have enough food in the refrigerator to last the week, maybe longer, so no more food is needed for awhile. It's really been appreciated and enjoyed. We're just taking one day at a time.


Unknown said...

Hey there Butch,
I am so glad that Philip and Micah are home with you. I know that it puts a twinkle in the eye. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family. I will be there to see you next week .May the Lord bless each and every day with love and family.

Dannie Watson said...

Hi Darlene & Butch,

So glad to hear that Butch is feeling better and able to talk a little. Pray that he continues to do so. I'm sure having the boys there is helping him also. So nice of your friends and family to bring food over for you guys. I think of Butch alot and pray for him.

